Types Of Bail Bonds And Which One To Choose

Posted on: 18 January 2024

Getting arrested can be a terrifying experience. It not only affects an individual's personal life but can also be financially and emotionally draining. One way to regain freedom while awaiting trial is by posting bail. However, bail can be costly, and not everyone has the finances to pay for it upfront. That's where bail bonds come in. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of bail bonds available and which one to choose depending on your situation.

Cash Bail Bonds

Cash bail bonds require the accused to pay the full amount of the bail in cash. This type of bond is common for minor offenses and cases where bail is set at a low amount. The cash is kept by the court until the case is concluded, and the accused has attended all hearings and trial dates. Once the trial ends, the bail amount is released in full, minus any court fees.

Surety Bail Bonds

If you do not have the cash to pay for bail upfront, surety bail bonds are a common option. A surety bond is a contract between the accused, the court, and the bail bond agent. The agent charges a non-refundable fee, which is a percentage of the total bail amount, to post bail on the accused's behalf. If the accused fails to attend court hearings or violates their bond, the agent is responsible for finding and returning the accused.

Property Bail Bonds

In cases where cash or assets are not readily available, property bail bonds can be used. This type of bond uses the accused's property, such as a home, land, or car, as collateral to post bail. If the accused fails to meet their bond requirements, the court can seize their property used as collateral.

Federal Bail Bonds

For federal crimes, federal bail bonds are required. These bonds are part of the bail amount and are non-refundable. In addition to posting bail, defendants must also meet certain requirements, such as checking in with authorities and not leaving the country.

Choosing the right type of bail bond depends on the situation at hand. If you have the cash or assets available, a cash or property bond may be the right option. However, for most people, a surety bond is the most feasible choice. It's important to work with a reputable bail bond agent and understand the terms of the bond before agreeing to it. 

Contact a professional to learn more about bail bonds
